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Matilda news

special student matinee sold out

Sorry, our one-day teachers-and-students matinee has sold out. But there are still terrific seats left for the regular performances, so get yours soon!


Click HERE for information about the sensational cast, and the people behind the scenes.


Play cast!

Award-winning director Clint Hames is thrilled to announce the cast for the  premiere presentation of his original play, Hector.

Dallas – Anthony Youssef
Hector – Graham Archer
Evelyn – Krysandra Wilson
Ms. Carova – Mary Ellen Shimell
Joyce – Judy Becker

Some new faces, some familiar ones, and a riveting story will add up to a don’t-miss theatrical event. It will be presented at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre in May, as well as  being the Guild’s entry in the Theatre BC Fraser Valley Zone Festival.

2025-26 Season Submission Deadlines

out and about

helping set the mood at the CCC

A small team of CPG members is always ready to help with the evening’s theme at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre presentations!  The recent production of Marie Chouinard’s Prelude to Afternoon of a Faun and Rite of Spring had them costumed to the nines in black-and-white glamour. The Guild is proud to be the centre’s Resident Theatre Company.

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If you’d like information about becoming a Players Guild sponsor, please contact sponsorship@playersguild.ca.