October 2015: AT The Chilliwack Cultural Centre’s 5th Birthday!
The Guild was happy to celebrate along with the other groups who are fortunate enough to use this terrific facility.
November 2015: entertaining at the
Chilliwack Hospice Society’s “Vintage Hollywood” Gala
A spectacular event, raising over $110,000.
- Debra, Doug, Denise, Joan, Graham D, Katy
- Katy
- Graham
- Debra, Kim, Laura, Judy
- Joan, Denise, Graham D
- Judy, Denise
- Christine, Jo
- Behind the scenes: Stage Manager Cheyenne with Jo.
- Costume mistress Mary, Christine and Clint
- Liam
- Christine
- Joan, Doug, Denise
- Jo
- Doug, Katy
- Jo, Liam
- Katy, Graham, Mary
- Clint, Denise
- Graham A, Christine, Clint
- Jo
- Clint
- Liam
- Katy
- Judy, Debra, Laura, Kim
- Christine
- Clint
- Graham D, Joan
- Christine, Clint, Jo (& Mary)
- Christine
- Denise, Doug
- Judy, Kim, Laura, Debra
Thanks to Graham Archer for contriving the game, to Audrey Neufeld for helping keep track of it, and to Mary Spani for the fabulous costumes.
January 2016: THE players GUILD ENTERTAINS AT THE
Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards Banquet
- Danny, Liam, Elizabeth, Kevin, Debra
- Jo, John, Denise
- Liam as Dean Martin
- Katy as Phyllis Diller
- Elizabeth, Kevin
- Kevin, Katy, Denise, Jo, Debra, Danny
- At Tzeachten Hall
- Alison, Kevin, Katy
- Jo
- Katy, Danny, Faith, Laurie
- Katy, Liam, Liz
- Jo & Denise at Tzeachten Hall
Thanks to Debra for co-ordinating the Guild’s entertainment, and to Mary Spani for the costumes.