Auditions for 2019/2020 Season
Date: August 11, 2019 - August 12, 2019
Time: Aug 11 @ 1:00; Aug 11 & 12 @ 7:00 pm
Location: The Guildhall
45530 Spadina Avenue, Chilliwack BC
Price: Adults:
Students and Seniors:

Auditions for 2019/2020 Season: Please see details below.


Audition dates: August 11 & 12, 2019


Performances dates & roles:

A Christmas Carol  November 21 – December 7, 2019

Roles for males and females ages 6 –  80

Choir: 6 women ages 17 and up


Calendar Girls   April 23 – May 3, 2020

Roles for 4 adult males and 9 adult females, ages 19 – 75


Interested in auditioning? 

  1.  Download and fill out an audition form.  Bring your completed form along to the audition.
  2.  Select one dramatic and one comedic monologue from the section below related to your age and gender.
  3.  No need to memorize your monologues!  Read it through a few times so you feel confident with the material.
  4.  At the audition you will be asked to read each of your chosen monologues for the directing team (Clint Hames, Janet Carroll & Astrid Beugeling).
  5.  If you are auditioning for a choir role for A Christmas Carol, you will be asked to sing for musical director Judy Hill.
  6.  The audition process should take about 5 – 10 minutes.


Audition Schedule

Come to the Chilliwack Players Guild Hall (45530 Spadina Avenue, the red door at the east end of the Chilliwack Landing Sports Centre) on:

–          Sunday, August 11th at 1 pm to register for a Sunday afternoon or evening audition time, or

–          Monday, August 12th at 6:30pm to register for an audition time for Monday evening.


The actual auditions will be held: August 11,  1pm to 3pm and 7pm to 9pm; and Monday, August 12  7pm to 9pm. Hard copies of the monologues and the audition form will also be available at the auditions.

You can download an audition form and audition monologue from this page.

Audition application form and monologues