Calendar Girls
Date: April 21, 2022 - April 30, 2022
Time: 1:30 PM; 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Location: The Chilliwack Cultural Centre
9201 Corbould St., Chilliwack BC
Price: Adults: $25.00
Students and Seniors: $20.00

Directed by Clint Hames
Produced by Dave Stephen
Presented by special arrangements with Samuel French Inc., a Concord Theatricals Company

About The PlayCastProduction TeamPhoto GalleryScrapbook

Based on the true story of the Yorkshire women who pose for a calendar to raise money for Cancer research, Calendar Girls has become the fastest selling play in British theatre history.

After the previous year’s fundraising calendar featuring local bridges raises a paltry sum, the members of the Knapely Women’s Institute persuade one another to produce a charity calendar with a difference. They decide to pose nude for an “alternative” calendar.

Puzzling their husbands, mortifying their children and riding the wrath of the outraged WI, the calendar becomes a huge success sparking a global phenomenon.

A very English story with a very English heart, Calendar Girls is quirky, poignant and hilarious.

Clint Hames

Director: Clint Hames
Producer:  Dave Stephen
Stage Manager:  Ann Marie Blessin
Assistant Stage Manager:  Trisha Knight-Good
Stage Crew:  Barb Funk, Maggie Saunders
Set Design / Set Painter :  Astrid Beugeling
Painting Assistant:  Nora Rackliff
Set Construction:  Graham Archer
Set Construction Crew:  Rick Funk, Bob Audet, Wayne Dickson, Bill Reveley, Pete Vischer
Costume Design Concept:  Susie Sroka
Costume Design / Construction:  Mary Spani
Dressers:  Judy Weller, Yvette Howard, Debra Archer, Dianne Donovan, Robyn Kragh, Lynne Wells, Astrid Beugeling, Mary Spani
Props / Set Furnishing:  Laura Hames, Debra Archer, Graham Archer, Rick Funk
Lighting Design:  Clint Hames
Lighting Operator:  Hayden Simpson
Sound Design & Recordings:  Clint Hames, Denny Larochelle
Make-up & Hair:  Carol Popove, Astrid Beugeling, Maddie Karden
Publicity / Sponsorships:  Dave Stephen, CPG Marketing & Promotions Committee
Poster & Graphics:  Graham Archer
Program:  Sandy Tait
Photographer:  Douglas Morley

Maggie Saunders, Ann-Marie Blessin, Trisha Knight-Good, Barb Funk