Round the Bend
Date: April 7, 1994 - April 16, 1994
Time: 8:00 pm
Location: The Chilliwack Cultural Centre
9201 Corbould St., Chilliwack BC
Price: Adults: 8.00
Students and Seniors: 5.00

Written and directed by Alan Davis
Based on the book by Mitzi Dale
Original music by Judy Hill
Produced by Virginia O'Brien
Stage Managed by Alexis Davis, Hilary Davis

CastProduction TeamPerformance PhotosLinks to Original SongsMusic RehearsalsProgramClippings

Deidre Lolea Moseanko
Stan Graham Archer
 Miss Murdoch, Dinner Guest, Shrink, Woman Heather Evans
Dad (Bob) John Wiley
Mom (Barbara) Laura hames
Dinner Guest, Tim Matthew Francis
Dinner Guest, Principal, Doctor Doug Wickers
Dinner Guest, Teacher, Darlene Sarah Dennis
Dinner Guest, Steve Bryce Martel
Boy, Robbie Zach Larochelle
Girl, Lisa Christina Shulda


Producer:   Virginia O’Brien
Director:   Alan David
Assistant to the Director:   Eric McElrevy
Set Design:   Alan Davis
Lighting Design:   Clint Hames
Original Music:   Judy Hill
Lyrics:   Alan Davis, Judy Hill
Costumes:   Jean Servizi
Poster Design:   Graham Archer
Sound Design:   Alan Davis
Stage Managers:   Alexis Davis, Hilary Davis
House Manager: Edna Covey
Lighting Assistants:   Doug Dore, Doug Friesen
Lighting Operator:   Doug Friesen
Sound Operator:   Devon Presseau
Props / Set Furnishings:   Theresa Neel
Set Construction:   Jon Jordan
Set Construction Assistants:   Graham Archer, Alexis Davis, Hilary Davis, Doug Dore, Eric McElrevy, Lolea Moseanko, John Wiley
Set Consultant and Painter:   Astrid Beugeling
Set Painting Assistants:   Codie Keswick, Eric McElrevy, Carli Pierrot
Make-up:   Fae Ivall
Make-up Assistants:   Marianne Brueckert, Deanna Martin, Praneel Singh, Darren Woodhouse
Publicity:   Debra Archer
Newspaper Articles:   Bob Forsythe, Judy Hill, Grace Jones, Christine Newsome
Photography:   Stan Dahl
Lobby Display:   Grace Jones
Tickets and Box Office:   Ghezlane Larochelle
Program:   Virginia O’Brien, Judy Hill

Photos by Stan Dahl

Deidre’s Daydream Songs: YouTube links

Don’t Look at Me
Round the Bend
How Well Do You Sleep?
Brace Myself

Orchestrated and sung by Judy Hill

Photos by Stan Dahl